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Defined by ICF, International Coach Federation, coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.

Marshie’s philosophy of life coaching:  

I believe life coaching is a positive tool to get the answers to questions we may not be asking ourselves.  Those answers spur us into action to move forward towards our goals and dreams with the end result having a more fulfilling life. Life Coaching is simply a method to help us get to that next level and reach for self-actualization.  Ask yourself, is there a gap between where you are now and where you want to be?  Yes, then life coaching may be the key to unlock the door and reach for the stars. Why continue to struggle on your own when you can get on the fast track of obtaining what you want out of life with the encouragement, support and tools of a skilled life coach holding you accountable in a loving way?

 A coach is not afraid to tell you the truth and is willing to be fired at any time where as a best friend is reluctant to tell you the truth and remain objective for fear of losing the relationship.

I commit to listening, encouraging you and calling the hard plays.



Are you ready?

Do you have a clear goal?

Ready to take action?

Ready to invest in yourself?

Be prepared to invest 90 or even 180 days in this process depending on your goals.

Are you open to outside input?

I learned a long time ago that I can lead a horse to water,but I can’t make him drink.  I am delighted to be your cheerleader, provider of wise counsel, and occasionally give you a swift kick in the butt if necessary. Change involves doing things differently than you have done them before often causing you to be out of your comfort zone.

Have you found a good fit?

Nobody wins if there isn't a good fit, so take this seriously, I do!

I suggest that you take advantage of the free initial consultation to get all of your questions answered but more importantly to see if we have the right fit.

nobody wins if there isn't a good fit so take this seriously, I do.

I suggest that you take advantage of the free initial consultation to get all of your questions answered but more importantly to see if we have the right fit.