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Let Go...
to "let go" is not to regret the past, but to grow and live for the future

Marshie Morgan
Passionate about you, teaching and transformation

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Bright and Beautiful

My Transformation

How do you wear so many different hats -  Chef, Inspector, Financial Represenative, Author to a Life/Work Coach Facilitator and Speaker?

Well...first of all I don't have any siblings, children or a husband.  Thus, I have a lot of time on my hands.  As a Chef, I teach the food manager's certification and create curriculum which runs on autopilot. As an Inspector, I do third-party inspections for restaurants and hotels when called on. As a Financial Represenative, I have been doing it since I got right out of college and help folks that seek out my services. Author-Life Coach-Speaker was put on the backburner back in 2015 but now years later I am ready to pursue my natural gifts and help others in their journeys' because the Lord has lead me to this point.

Who am I?

A work in progress, a woman of faith, an entrepreneur and on a journery of self-discovery. I am not a counselor or therapist just someone who cares about helping you have more fun, get in touch with your inner self and make you laugh.

Where am I? 

Right where I belong in the "Now" the Present with a hope for the Future.

Mission: Be a sense of Hope, Encouragement and Inspiration  Sprinkled in with some Humor

My Story

When did I decide to ask for help?

When I was 5 years old I asked the Lord to be with me.  I am a firm believer I am where I am today because of my Faith.  Honestly, I pinch my self because I remember asking God for some grapes at 5 years old and at 6 years old knocking on doors asking my apartment neighbors how to cook a bake potato.  Then, I decided to ask neighbors if I could water their plants at a tender age of 6 or 7 years old.  I needed money because we were poor, and I needed to eat.

How did I let go of the pain, hurt and betrayal of abandonment and abuse?

Now that is a loaded question.  A lot of work!  The pain has eventually gone to a dull ache.  My dad left when I was 6.  My mom left me with a sucide note at 12.  I was alone in a house with no electricity or food and two strange men.  I made a decision right there right then to get my education no matter what it took.

Step 1: Got an education
Step 2: Got couseling for the next 10 years
Step 3: Hypnosis worked on myself beliefs for 20 plus years
Step 4: Been journaling over 35 years


What did I do to start my biz all those moons ago in 2009 with $149?

First I  got sick and tired of being sick and tired of being lied to at work.  I made a decision right there right then never to go back to corporate America.  I knew I could survive on little, remember I grew up poor!  I just went through a divorce and felt betrayed by my church, and yes even my friends. Mostly, I felt like a failure. Needless to say I was alone and had to sink or swim. 

When they say, life goes full circle it does.  My education and experience in hospitality from teaching catapulted me into starting one facet of my buisness. Then of course I had all of my licenses of being a financial representative and knew QuickBooks so a general name was created called M&M Biz Solutions on a park bench.


Lil' about my why?

I am blessed and want to share what I have learned in my self-discovery journey.  I pray that I can be an encourager, be a sense of hope and inspiration to others sprinkled in with some humor. 


If I can make some else's journey easier by lighten up their load like others have done for me, this is how I honor those that helped me and pay it forward.

Why do I do what I do?

I want to help people be better today than they were yesterday.  Getting better 1% each day can change a life, a family, a town and a nation.... But it begins with one small step.  If I can help someone take those baby steps in their transformation, it was all worth it. Like skipping rocks on the water the ribbles go on and on.  I want folks to know they can break free from their chains of past regrets, fear of trying one more time and know they don't have to continue the cycle of abuse.
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